At ENGLISH for LIFE all our tutors are Masters graduates with extensive experience in ESL teaching, both one-to-one and in classes.
Our English for Business tutors have a background in management in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. Our Test Preparation tutors are experts, and in some cases examiners, in the particular tests in question.
All our tutors are experienced in teaching effective Pronunciation and Presentation skills: essential for all professionals.

Linda Kennington M.Ed (TESOL), CELTA, Bachelor of Social Work
Linda was born in England, but has lived most of her life in New Zealand and Australia. She trained initially as a social worker and was soon appointed to supervisory roles, managing a large staff. She then moved into business and administration roles, where she received extensive training in providing top quality customer service. She also studied human resources management and marketing at postgraduate level. In 2003, she completed the Cambridge CELTA. She then taught in a number of language schools, and completed a Master of Education (TESOL). For the past 12 years, Linda has been self-employed as co-director of ENGLISH for LIFE. Linda teaches English for Business, English for Employment, General English, ISLPR preparation, Academic English and Pronunciation. She specialises in providing tuition by distance learning using Zoom and email. Linda loves designing and delivering courses to meet the specific needs of individual language learners.
"Welcome to ENGLISH for LIFE... At EfL, we want to support you in achieving your full potential in Australia. We believe that private, personalised English language lessons are the best learning environment for busy professionals."

Ian Synnott M.Ed (TESOL), B.Sc (Eng), CELTA, Cert IV (TESOL), Cert IV (Training & Assessment)
Ian grew up in Dublin, the capital city of Ireland and first arrived in Australia over a decade ago. Initially, he studied engineering at university but soon moved on to pursue a career in teaching. Ian has completed a Masters Degree in Education (TESOL), the Cambridge CELTA in Ireland, and both Certificate IV (TESOL) and Certificate IV (Training & Assessment) in Australia. He is a certified test examiner and has extensive experience in exam-preparation and teacher-training courses. Ian has a passion for teaching and has taught various courses to adults and children including General English, IELTS, Cambridge, TOEIC, TOEFL, English for Business, English for Academic Purposes, and TESOL teacher-training programs in schools and colleges in Australia, Ireland, Japan and Korea.
"Welcome to ENGLISH for LIFE... At EfL we believe that specialised language lessons are perfect for the English language development needs of individuals and groups from all walks of life. Our focus on learner-centred approaches ensures that you progress towards achieving your goals in a supportive and enjoyable environment."